When submitting an abstract, you will be asked if you would like to present an oral or poster presentation. Please note that your first preference might not be available.
Abstract categories:
Developmental biology
Stem cells
Cell Division
Cell Signalling
Gene expression and programming
Inter-organelle communication
Stress & autophagy
Tissue microenvironment
Cancer Biology
Pathobiology of disease
Abstracts can be submitted for either oral or poster presentation.
Word limit: 400 words
Some requests for oral presentations may be offered a poster presentation
You do not need to register to submit an abstract. However please note that you will require a vaild registration for your abstract to be included in the program.
The submission process takes place online via the same dashboard you create for registration. It will work with any contemporary browser and the system will let you know if there is a problem with your browser version.
The portal allows you to preview your abstract before submitting it and make modifications until the submission deadline. You will receive an email confirming that your submission has been received.
Maximum text length allowed is 400 words in length including sub-headings (excluding the Abstract title).
To assist your preparation, abstracts may be structured under the sub-headings Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusions. The sub-headings must be concise, with only the first word starting with a capital letter.
The first step in uploading your abstract is to record your personal details on your own 'dashboard'. If you have already completed it for your registration or another ASN event, you will not have to repeat this, just log in to your dashboard as a returning delegate. As you complete your registration you will receive a confirmation email. Your will be able to upload your abstract via your personal dashboard. You can use your email and password to access your abstract at any time. If you do not remember your email or password, please contact ASN Events.
The presenting author must be the person submitting the abstract and they must do this from their own dashboard
You will receive a confirmation email with after your Abstract Submission has been successfully submitted. You can view or edit your abstract by returning to your dashboard up until the submission deadline. If you do not receive this confirmation email, please contact ASN Events.
Abstracts can be submitted for either oral or poster presentation. Please note that some requests for talks may need to be moved to poster presentations.
Note that your abstract will not be included in the program if you do not register and pay for your registration.
Yes, you can edit your submission (including Title, Content, Authors or Presenting author) after you have submitted it, up until the submission deadline. To do so, please log into your online registration dashboard. Click on Abstracts tab and then on “View submission" to edit the abstract.
Notification of programming decisions will come from the secretariat shortly after the expiry of deadline and the working program will be posted to the website. It will also appear on your own dashboard. The notification will include specific presentation instructions but in the interim, those preparing posters should note the maximum size allowed is 100cm wide by 120cm deep. Velcro will be available to fix the poster to the boards.
The program will be published to the website and will be accessible to delegates via the web conference app.